Saturday, December 31, 2011

Out with the Old

New Year's Eve is upon us and I'm ready for a new calendar year, how about you? 2011 brought more than it's share of family-related drama and I, for one, am crossing fingers for a much quieter 2012.

Each year I make the same resolution -- to be more patient. I will say that over time, I've gotten better. But that might just be a maturation, aging-related change! What about you, any resolutions?

Re: The Plan (, up until this week I was sticking with the general eating guidelines. I veered WAY off course this week -- just too many leftovers around the house (I hate waste). So, I'll jump back on the bandwagon after tomorrow. It really has made a consistent difference in my weight.

For all of you out there, best wishes for the happiest of new years. Sending hopes for peace and health. 

In 2012, let's all choose happy.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Tis the Season


I sit here, in my bed, alone (the Mr. is traveling with his kids this week) and wee bit tipsy (blame Costco and the Bailey's Irish Cream at the front door!), so very grateful for all that enriches my life. My sons, my amazing husband, my friends and family, and the vast history of experience that inhabit me. My job, our relative financial security and the good health and happiness I get to enjoy every day.

As I prepare to serve chili, sub sandwiches, spiked cider and cookies to many of my nearest and dearest local friends and family, I want to take this moment to say "Thank you" for being in my life.

From the most sincere and loving place in my heart --


Thursday, December 15, 2011

holiday hustle

The past few weeks have been beyond busy. Since the surreal (but wonderfully relaxing) Thanksgiving, both of my cars have been totaled. Happily, all people are fine, but the cars are kaput. One was an older minivan my kids drove, the other was my nicer and newer sedan. Both are gone, baby, gone. So, I've been playing phone tag with various insurance agents, testing new vehicles and girding to lay out some big bucks for new rides. Oy. Not surprisingly, the Mr. has been supportive and wonderful in helping me coordinate all the various moving parts.

And, tensions are running high as we wait for college acceptances. So far, one boy is 2/5, the other has one bird in the hand and is awaiting word from several others.

Winter break is around the corner - yeehaw. Taking my guys skiing/snowboarding for what I hope will be some real quality time together. Yes, I'll miss the Mr., but it's important for me and my dudes to share some alone time, too (plus, the Mr. doesn't ski).

If I don't get back to the blog before the holidays hit, best wishes to everyone! Hope you find lots of happy this season.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Just call me Eeyore

That's right, the gloomy, down-trodden donkey best describes me these past few days. After a wonderfully restful and thoroughly enjoyable Thanksgiving holiday, I came home to an avalanche of crap. Sorry to be so crass, but there's no other way to put it.

Upside, the anxiety has resulted in a few extra lost lbs. And yes, the kids are fine. But between the lousy weather, a car wreck (again, all are ok) and general nastiness, lies and negativity being hurled around and about me by my own personal Voldemort, we're otherwise healthy and lovable.

Trying to go with the flow but not doing too well. Fingers crossed that karma will work it's magic quickly and that tomorrow will be a happier day.