Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Everyone home, everyone getting along, oldest son and his girlfriend baking cookies while my youngest looks on.

This is what happy feels like .... ahhh.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Sewing 101: Quilts and Patches

There's a saying that a mother's heart is a patchwork of love. I think it's supposed to mean that with each child who comes into our lives, we add another piece to the cloth of our hearts, binding it in place with love and devotion.

But maybe, just maybe, that old saying recognizes the many ways our children can tear away at our hearts, breaking the delicate but tight stitches that put that crazy quilt of love together in the first place. Maybe, it's about how we invest so much in our kids that when their actions rip the threads that bind them to us, it can physically hurt.

I know that patches can repair the rented fabric of relationships, but, sadly, the little holes left behind take a long time to close. This mothering thing is a tough gig.

As always, work on choosing happy.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Homefield Advantage - HAH!

Let me preface this by saying that if I sound angry, I am. The Mr.'s ex was in town last weekend, visiting her two kids who she chose not to have live with her. I know her reasons and I'm not saying they're bad or wrong, I'm just saying....

So this woman is on my territory, right? You'd think she'd be somewhat hesitant to come in my home. WRONG! Rather than prudently waiting in the car or even in the front hall, she came in the house twice and went upstairs. AARGH!!!

And what makes it worse is that this woman so aggravates me that I left my home so that I wouldn't have to interact with her. I ceded my territory. I'm supposed to have home field advantage but I left.

Why, you might wonder? Because if I had had to interact with her, I don't know that I could have been civil. And I didn't want to do that in front of my stepsons. Or, maybe my discomfort would make me be too nice, and I would have been really upset with myself for that.

Oh, I suppose I could be an adult, suck it up and behave nicely. I'm just not in the mood. Harumpf.

At least the sun is out....

Monday, May 9, 2011

Solutions Catalogue - rated R!

On behalf of my 17-year-old son who was flipping through the most recent issue of Solutions catalogue, let me just say "OMG!"

I probably receive the catalogue for the same reason my 83-year-old mother-in-law does, because we ordered the homely but durable Vista Stair Treads (pg. 29) for our wood steps. But wait, on page 51 -- just after page 49's "Subtle Butt" discreet odor neutralizers -- is a photographic display of female massagers. No kidding. Solutions' offerings have angles that make it easy to "reach the G-spot" and provide "pinpoint accuracy," not to mention models with illumination, suction and -- wait for it -- "throbber" mode with "truly amazing life-like feel." Why not just wrap the catalogue in brown paper?

Yes, huddled in the pages between facial hair removers, odor-eaters and support hose, we can purchase a pocket-sized, lipstick looking vibrator.

Some might say, "God Bless America!" But now I have to wonder if my mother-in-law is really only buying ugly carpet treads.

Solutions catalogue - making it easier to choose happy.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Mothering vs. Nurturing

With Mother's Day upon us, I've been pondering the differences between "mothering" and "nurturing."

In short, any woman who gives birth gains the right to call herself a Mother. And usually, mothering and nurturing go hand-in-hand -- but there are exceptions. Does Mother's Day celebrate us all equally?

There are plenty of women who aren't moms -- whether by choice or chance -- who are great nurturers. How do we celebrate them? How do we credit their investment of love, care and time?

Sometimes, what or who you're mothering isn't a person, it's a project or a calling that makes the world a better place, touches lives in a meaningful way or brightens the day of someone we don't even know.

To all who nurture and mother, best wishes for a wonderful day.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Happy May Day

T.S. Eliot had it right when he declared that "April is the cruelest month." I couldn't be happier to wave good-bye to that bad-boy of a month. Between the rough first family vacation, a downer of an anniversary, a bummer birthday "celebration," holidays that were anything but jolly, and rain that wouldn't go away, April was just plain crappy.

So, welcome May. It's sunny outside. The kids and I did some spring cleaning -- garage is no longer the dust-filled construction refuse site that it has been for so many months -- and things just feel lighter.

Hoping your spring is off to a good start.